Hi, I’m Morgan

Let’s get deep here,

I know what it is like to be stuck, to feel like there is more out there for me, but not having a clue how to get it. I had nothing wrong in my life, but I knew I was meant for more. It is my souls purpose to help guide people- I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. With Human Design I can be your guide but YOU are the director. Your Human Design will give you actionable and practical guidance on how to break through, how to make decisions & how to finally live your life with less friction and more ease. Plus SO MUCH MORE.


Manifesting Generator

My name is Morgan, My husband and I have 4 daughters and I discovered Human Design during an intense time in my life. I was pregnant with my youngest, just quit my job and had NO idea what was next for me. I felt uninspired, melancholy and so lost. I knew I didn’t want a 9-5, but I had NO clue what I wanted. I had always felt like I was a passenger in my life and often got mad at myself because I always felt like life just happened to me. I knew I was meant for more, I knew I had a purpose, but I didn’t know what that was. And the more I tried to think, the more it alluded me. It wasn’t until I discovered my Human Design that I understood why and how to get through it.

I’m spilling my heart out here, because I know I’m not alone in feeling that there has to be MORE. Human Design tells you exactly how you are meant to be spending your time, it takes away the “there has to be more feeling” because you know exactly what you’re meant to be doing. All of the things that are deep down inside of you that you feel like are wrong with you… nope, it’s all a part of the bigger plan. It provides a step by step guide of who you are, what you should be doing, and how to make decisions that are meant for you.

If you’re ready to jump onto this crazy train with me (YAY) click the button below!

*Your birth time is usually located on your birth certificate. If it isn’t there, ask your parents! If they can only give you a guess, try it on for size & see what you think! Usually an approximate time is close enough to figure out major energies in your chart!

Get your Human Design Chart here:

What People Are Saying

  • The past few years I’ve been lost, trying to find who I am and where I fit in this world. I finally had enough and scheduled a human design reading with Morgan Roen. I have NEVER felt so heard and seen in my life. Everything she said, I resonated with. Everything clicks now. I know exactly who I am and where I’m supposed to be. If you’re having this struggle too or just questioning anything about the person you are, SCHEDULE THAT READING! You will not regret it. 10/10 recommend. Thank you so much for your time Morgan!


  • I just had my human design consultation with Morgan. I highly recommend it! Morgan is extremely knowledgeable and helpful for you to understand why you are like you are. It’s almost like she gives tips and tricks for helping yourself to be the human that you would like to be. Do yourself or a loved one the favor of Booking with her. You won’t be sorry you did, and you might learn a thing or two about yourself.


  • As a (recovering) people pleaser it can be difficult to look at life through a lens that allows me to be my authentic self. My reading gave me not only valuable insights to recognize when I deviate from my true self, but also real-life strategies to implement positive changes and live more like how I was meant to. Morgan took problem areas and explained why they were frustrating to me and gave me resolutions congruent with my design. My reading was well worth the cost, and I would recommend Human Design Decoded to anyone interested in human design or wanting to make a meaningful shift in their life.


  • I had gotten a human design printout before talking to Morgan and it was completely foreign to me. I did not understand what my human design meant AT ALL. When Morgan did a reading for both myself and my husband she made it easy to digest and actionable so that we could start living by our design and seeing results. I 100% recommend booking a reading for yourself or as a gift for anyone you love! It will change the way you approach life.


“If you allow someone to be who they are and they allow you to be who you are, then that’s love, anything else is torture.”

Ra Uru Hu